美國在阿富汗20年究竟花了多少錢? 2001-2021年
2001年911恐怖攻擊事件,發生後不到一個月,當時的美國總統小布希(George W. Bush)於10月7日對阿富汗展開「持久自由行動」(Operation Enduring Freedom)。
2011年5月2日,賓拉登在巴基斯坦藏匿處遭美國特種部隊擊斃。戰爭結束了嗎? 沒有,進入第二階段而已。
1. 890億元,約2.5兆台幣。 The U.S. and NATO have promised to pay $4 billion a year until 2024 to finance Afghanistan’s military and security forces, which are struggling to contain an advancing Taliban. Already, the U.S. has spent nearly $89 billion over the past 20 years to build, equip and train Afghan forces. (合眾社2021/7/27 新聞
2. 1兆美金,約28兆台幣。 美國總統拜登10日表示,美國過去20年在阿富汗花費超過1兆美元,訓練了30萬阿富汗士兵,並給他們現代裝備。阿富汗的領袖必須團結,必須替自己奮鬥,替他們的國家奮鬥。(中央社 2021/8/13
2021/5/15 Ashraf Ghani 落跑的總統: 「半島電視台」(Al Jazeera)引述甘尼的侍衛指出,甘尼和他的太太還有幕僚長與國家安全顧問,飛往鄰國烏茲別克(Uzbekistan)的首都塔什干(Tashkent)。
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Dear countrymen!
Today, I came across a hard choice; I should stand to face the armed Taliban who wanted to enter the palace or leave the dear country that I dedicated my life to protecting and protecting the past twenty years. If there were still countless countrymen martyred and they would face the destruction and destruction of Kabul city, the result would have been a big human disaster in this six million city. The Taliban have made it to remove me, they are here to attack all Kabul and the people of Kabul. In order to avoid the bleeding flood, I thought it was best to get out.
Taliban have won the judgement of sword and guns and now they are responsible for protecting the countrymen's honor, wealth and self-esteem. Didn't they win the legitimacy of hearts. Never in history has dry power given legitimacy to anyone and won't give it to them. They are now facing a new historical test; either they will protect the name and honor of Afghanistan or they will prioritize other places and networks. Many people and many Aqshar are in fear and are unreliable in the future. It is necessary for Taliban to assure all the people, nations, different sectors, sisters and women of Afghanistan to win the legitimacy and the hearts of the people. Make a clear plan to do and share it with the public. I will always continue to serve my nation with an intellectual moment and a plan to develop. Lots more talk for the future
Long live Afghanistan
2021/8/16 塔利班當權者,出乎大家意料之外,進入阿富汗總統府