
翁履中博士,英文名字Dennis Lu Chung Weng,淡江大學學士,碩士,美國德州大學達拉斯分校政治學碩博士。2014年取得博士學位後,先受聘至美國 Top 10 文理學院,衛斯理大學政府系任教。隨後於 2015 年轉往紐約州立大學科特蘭分校從事教學及研究工作。博士班期間,翁博士曾擔任知名學術期刊 <選舉研究 Electoral Studies> 的助理編輯,並且獲選 2013 年德州大學達拉斯分校年度最佳講師榮譽。翁博士的研究興趣為比較政治,政治行為,政治學方法論,及國際政治經濟發展,研究區域則以亞洲及東南亞國家為主。學術研究工作之餘,有感於社會科學領域找尋學術工作的艱難,翁博士常以講座及投書的方式,透過分享經驗,希望能協助所有台灣留美的博士們順利在美國找到理想的工作。

翁博士在那次2016年分享會後轉往德州Sam Houston State University政治系 (位於),擔任該校政治系助理教授至今。這是一所謂於德州中部,介於休士頓與達拉斯中間的小鎮Huntsville的公立大學,小鎮人口大概3萬多人,大學學生數大概2萬人出頭,學校成立於1879年,所在小鎮是德州共和國第一任與第三任總統休士頓將軍最後棲息地。


2001年淡江大學企管系學士,2004年淡江(東南亞所)國際關係碩士(碩士論文: 新加坡綜合安全戰略之研究),(根據翁博士自己敘述: 他在台灣拿到碩士學位後應該有從事幾年新聞及企業顧問等工作) ,假設他2009年出國,2011年德州大學達拉斯分校政治碩士,2014年德州大學達拉斯分校政治學博士,以此換算,他大學畢業後13年拿到博士學位,假設他以正常年紀22歲大學畢業(1979年次),他應該是35歲拿到博士學位。

翁博士2014年8月取得博士學位後,以訪問助理教授(visiting assistance professor)名義在康乃狄克州衛斯理大學政府學系任教一年,期滿轉往紐約州立大學柯蘭分校政治系任教兩年,2017年才轉往德州聖休士頓州立大學政治系任教至今4年,根據推算他應該42歲左右。(翁博士轉到SHSU政治系後,隔年2018年也有一位來自台北大學公行系助理教授王文君Wang, Wen-Jiun(她先過去客座兩年,才正式專任)也受聘到該系任教,連續兩年聘請兩位台灣籍教師,很有趣的現象)




Dennis L.C. Weng. 2014. “Making Political Choice in Asian New Democracies: The case of Taiwan’s Presidential Elections.” Accepted for Presentation at the Annual meeting of the Western Political Science Association (WPSA), Seattle, April, 2014.

Dennis L.C. Weng, Karl Ho, Harold Clarke, and Alexander Tan. 2014. “Economic Integration and Political Disintegration: Observing Attitudinal Change on National Security in Taiwan, 2003- 2012.” Accepted for Presentation at the Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, April, 2014.

Karl Ho, Dennis L.C. Weng, Harold Clarke, and Yuying Chen. 2014. “Democratization and Political Socialization in Taiwan: An Age, Cohort and Period Analysis on Political Values” Accepted for Presentation at the Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, April, 2014.

Harold Clarke, Marianne Stewart, Dennis L.C. Weng, and Karl Ho. 2014. “Mixed Logit Models of Heterogeneous Leader Effects on Electoral Choice: Taiwan in Comparative Perspective” Accepted for Presentation at the Annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, April, 2014.


Dennis Lu-Chung Weng and Ching-Hsing Wang, 2018. “Presidential Approval and Public Attitude toward the Alliance with Japan and the United States in Taiwan” Accepted for Presentation at the Taiwan Democracy Symposium, Dallas, TX, April, 2018.

Ching-Hsin Yu, Dennis Lu-Chung Weng, and Ching-Hsing Wang, 2018. “Imaginary War with China: An Essential Element in Promoting Peace Across Taiwan Strait” Accepted for Presentation at the Taiwan Democracy Symposium, Dallas, TX, April, 2018.

Dennis Lu-Chung Weng and Ching-Hsing Wang, 2018. “The Role of Democratization in Shaping National attachment: Democratic Pride in Taiwan.” Accepted for Presentation at the Annual meeting of Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April, 2018.

因為他的CV三年沒有更新,所以無從知道他之後的出版情形,顯然,這是一位在美國相對活躍的寫手,發表題目也與台灣民主選舉制度有關,算是在美國做台灣研究的學者之一。基本上從他的專長發言,他與國際政治連結應該相當有限: 翁履中表示,以往對於亞洲地區政治參與情形的研究認為,政治參與和文化不同相關,然而近年來,包括國際媒體與社會輿論卻認為和世代不同有關。對此,翁履中從過往研究出發,先整理不同學者研究結果,再透過年齡-時代-世代分析途徑(Age-Period-Cohort Analysis approach)研究臺灣政治參與情形。



學術背景之外: 政黨連結









PS: SHSU 政治系系網的個人簡介:

Dr. Weng’s research and teaching interests are in the fields of comparative politics, Asian Politics, political behavior, and survey research. His articles have appeared in the Electoral Studies, Japanese Journal of Political Science, Asian Journal of Comparative Politics, Asian Journal of Political Science, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, and several News Media in Asia.

Dr. Weng was a business consultant and journalist in Taiwan prior to his academic career. Before coming to SHSU, he taught at The State University of New York at Cortland, Wesleyan University (CT), and The University of Texas at Dallas. He is the recipient of several teaching awards from previous institutions. Weng holds degrees in Political Science (Ph.D., MA) from the University of Texas at Dallas, International Relations (MA), and Business Administration (BA) from Tamkang University (Taiwan).

I am an Associate professor in the Department of Political Science and the coordinator for the College of Humanity and Social Sciences Global Outreach Program at Sam Houston State University. I received my Ph.D. in Political Science from The University of Texas at Dallas in 2014. Before joining SHSU, I taught at Wesleyan University and SUNY-Cortland.


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Professor Weng is great, he has an accent which can make it hard to understand him at times, but he gives lots of extra credit opportunities . His lectures are important since the tests cover what he talks about, but the basic principles you can get from the textbook which will help you pass, his lectures are fun and entertaining.


    翁履中 王文君
    創作者 台中學研究進化版 的頭像


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