

公園是城市中珍貴的資產,為實現綠色城市願景,「美樂地計畫」是盧市長上任後全力推動的重要計畫之一,以「建構共融休憩空間」、「提升人本安全及無障礙環境」及「打造陽光公廁」三大重點,賦予專屬臺中公園的樣貌,自108年迄111年6月,已完成130處共融公園及54座公廁改善,在持續精進下,升級推動美樂地2.0,除持續辦理75處共融公園,也強化主題特色遊戲場之營造,如中央公園、馬卡龍公園,不僅臺中市人均綠地位居六都第二,也獲得內政部營建署「109 及 110 年都市公園無障礙環境督導計畫」全國「優等」榮譽 ,讓臺中的公園綠地改頭換面,打造一座座吸引不同世代的共融休憩環境;
此外,市府也努力推動「公墓轉型綠美化」,108 年迄111年6月,已完成5處公墓轉型綠美化,包括神岡新興公園、烏日稻田森林公園、豐原翁子公園、豐原豐 3、豐4公園, 面積計6.12 公頃,111年刻正辦理外埔第1公墓、大雅第4公墓、大里第2 墓、南屯第17公墓及第21公墓(寶文段)等5處轉型綠美化工程,及大雅第7公墓、南屯第21公墓(山子腳段)、梧棲第7公墓、豐原第11公墓及南區第7公墓等5處轉型綠美化規劃設計及後續綠美化作業,透過綠地規劃、景觀設計與植栽建置,讓公墓華麗變身為休憩綠地,讓城市綠洲再進化!



1. 承認兒童享有休息及休閒之權利;有從事適合其年齡之遊戲與娛樂活動之權利,以及自由參加文化生活與藝術活動之權利。

2. 尊重並促進兒童充分參加文化與藝術生活之權利,並應鼓勵提供適當之文化、藝術、娛樂以及休閒活動之平等機會。





1. 父母成長營,強化兒童遊戲權的重要性。

2. 中小學校長兼任遊戲長,全面體檢校園設施,負責打造趣味校園環境。

3. 區長兼任遊戲執行長,公園綠地、兒童遊戲場、街道街角、巷弄鄰里,處處有遊戲及娛樂空間,免費又具吸引力。

4. 市長兼任遊戲總督導,致力消除環境污染、河川汙染及空氣汙染,提供林野休閒遊憩空間,定期舉辦兒童遊戲活動,促進兒童及青少年快樂成長、人格健全發展。


看看美國OK州最大都市TULSA案例,在G. Kaiser家庭基金會的贊助下,阿肯薩斯河岸邊40公頃土地被改造成超級遊戲場A Gathering Place of Tulsa,分成三期建設



No description available.

Our story began with the George Kaiser Family Foundation and an extraordinary dream to transform nearly 100 acres of Tulsa’s iconic waterfront along the scenic Arkansas River into a dynamic, interactive environment. Tulsans needed a welcoming, natural space where members of our diverse communities could come together to explore, learn and play.

After years of planning, generous donations and input from the community, Tulsa's dream became reality. In 2014, Gathering Place broke ground on Tulsa’s world-class park. The dream of a space to celebrate and gather along the river was becoming reality.  

The next chapter was filled with excitement as we welcomed our first guests on September 8, 2018. The children, families and friends of Tulsa now write the narrative, an ongoing adventure sure to inspire wonderful moments for generations to come. We look forward to witnessing memories made and celebrating the collective growth experienced through Gathering Place, where your adventures will only be limited by your own imagination. 

We are Gathering Place. We are Tulsa. We are diverse, passionate and true to our beliefs. We remain consistent in our mission, as a project led by George Kaiser Family Foundation, that we all become united in our love for our community. Relatives, close friends, neighbors, we are all family. We are united from every zip code, from the city to the suburbs, from the river to the hills, from the north to the south, from the west to the east. Gathering Place is the ultimate expression of Tulsa’s spirit of unity. A place for everyone.

George B. Kaiser, whose foundation provided the primary funding for the park, in The Wetlands.

“We got more and more divided over time by geography, race and class,” he said of Tulsa.

“So getting people together is step number one.”Credit...Nick Oxford for The New York Times

George B. Kaiser, whose foundation provided the primary funding for the park, in The Wetlands. “We got more and more divided over time by geography, race and class,” he said of Tulsa. “So getting people together is step number one.”

Students visit the five-acre Adventure Playground at Gathering Place, part of an ambitious public park. Its active commons can function as one of the city’s central open spaces.







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