
博士論文選擇非營利組織發展合理價位住宅為主題對我有很大的啟蒙,只是很可惜,回來台灣已經26年了,卻無能在此領域有進一步研究貢獻,今夜突然想起,深感遺憾。也反省著,為什麼這麼多年來,即使參與不少非營利組織及NGO組織的運作,也擔任過惠來遺址保護協會理事長及中社社長,自己反覆想著: 為什麼始終沒辦法在NGO領域定根茁壯。

這是回來台灣後唯一整理的文章:  Community development intermediary systems in the United States: Origins, evolution, and functions

發表在Housing Policy Debate 1998/v9/issue 3

Acting between the forceful capital market and the state, community development intermediaries are finding ways to assist resource‐poor community development organizations to increase production volume and to gain access to a wider capital and political market.

This article presents a brief historical review of how the intermediary system originated and how it has evolved into different large‐scale models since the 1960s. The philosophies and programs of three major intermediary organizations—the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, The Enterprise Foundation, and the Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation—are considered. The article concludes by recognizing the contributions of intermediaries while raising issues with their accountability and future direction.



這種人生,不三不四,真不知自己的下一代怎麼看自己的父親,上一代怎麼看自己的兒子。LIFE goes on and on.





Did you ever have a dream? Of course I do. What is it? or What was it?

Well, it is still in my dream. I will tell you when I wake up, ok?

You might ask, should I be more optimistic or simply naive?

I don't really know the line between them, to be honest.


Is there rooms for progressvie reform from inside out, rather than outside never in?

To be or not to be is a question that deserves a better answer than where we are in, right?




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