都市規劃包山包海,並非規劃者很厲害,而是當規劃者面對多變的內外部環境,總是設法將更多的變數納入考量,從早期的綜合規劃到策略性規劃,規劃者總是想辦法接近事實的現場,保持不被單一議題綁架的態度。不管是 social justice, affordable housing, sustainable cities, mobility and traffic congestion, climate and the environment, community development and economic development 等,這些議題有其個別專業性,從部門角度看,每個議題都很重要,但是到頭來,誰來決定優先順序,甚至整合出可能的方案,這是規劃者的最大挑戰。
美國U OF IOWA規劃及公共事務學院這麼形容自己的專業:
In the 1960s and since, planners became increasingly involved in social justice issues including attempting to address the social injustices that have been put into place by planning itself through such mid-20th century programs as public housing and urban renewal. More recently, attention has been paid to the impacts of zoning and redlining on reinforcing patterns of racial segregation. Planners search for alternatives to sprawled and segregated development that separate people, especially people of color, from educational and economic opportunity.
Well into the 21st century, planners are addressing the challenges of racism and growing economic inequality while also taking on the challenge of climate change. Planners are working to increase social and economic opportunity while looking to remake communities into resilient places that both reduce the amount of greenhouse gas generation and that are better adapted to the impacts of climate change that are already underway, such as sea-level rise and increased flooding.
Consequently, planners (and others) have now begun to think about the long-term environmental, economic sustainability, and equity components of our development patterns. Designing "green" infrastructure, finding alternatives to new highway construction, ensuring everyone has access to affordable housing in livable neighborhoods, promoting economic development that benefits the many, and stimulating the redevelopment of abandoned, contaminated "brownfields," are just a few examples of the sustainable alternatives planners work for.