From yes/no dichotomy, there are two social phenomena that deserve our attention.
Settting One:
Air quality is getting worse, can someone do something right away? Doing what? shut down all the factory? Stop all the running cars? rush inside? put up the masks?
If nothing gets done, then it's all your fault. It's the government which is responsible for dirty air. Inaction must be condemned, and politicans must step down for inaction.
Setting Two:
Air quality is getting worse, why should I care? As long as I can get inside my car, my house, my comfy cell. I should be fine from such interference. IF so, why should I care about something that has little value and utility to me?
So, what needs to be done? Can blaming the victims or picking up a target help soften the situation? On the same horizon, can ignorance be the solution to such worsening situation. If none of the above, what needs to be done?