What should an university campus look like and function, one might ask. Though there are more than one hundred universities in Taiwan, we do not have much opportunity to participate or be engaged in the planning and design of an university campus in the past, starting from scratch especially private ones.
First of all, site selection. Should an university be located in an urban setting or suburban one?
Second, what is the ideal size (land area) of an university campus, more than 100 hectares or less? Can we project reasonable student population?
Third, who can be in charge of master planning? local planners or internationally known planners?
Fourth, what can be the focus or representations of an university? teaching, research or recreational facilities?
Fifth, should one architect or more than one archiect be involved in building deisgn?
Last, but not the least, what long should it take for a functional campus? Finance aside, how many phases are needed?