“Film production, as a form of artistic expression, should be protected as part of freedom of expression without political intervention,” DDP said in a press release.
“The Taiwanese people have every right to freely choose which movies they would like to see without having to gain permission from the Chinese government in advance — and we will not tolerate the intervention of the Chinese government.”
It’s likely that Chinese tourists will boycott trips to Kaohsiung because of the film festival, KMT Legislator Justin Chou said.
So, what's the catch here? Has Taiwan become a drug-addict yet? If yes, drug dealers from China can easily control Taiwan's mindset simply by un-plugging the drug supply. If so, any commodity, including tourists, from China can be seen as DRUGs. What kinds of society will treat her citizen as drug?
Word of advise. Stay away from that drug land.
“The Taiwanese people have every right to freely choose which movies they would like to see without having to gain permission from the Chinese government in advance — and we will not tolerate the intervention of the Chinese government.”
It’s likely that Chinese tourists will boycott trips to Kaohsiung because of the film festival, KMT Legislator Justin Chou said.
So, what's the catch here? Has Taiwan become a drug-addict yet? If yes, drug dealers from China can easily control Taiwan's mindset simply by un-plugging the drug supply. If so, any commodity, including tourists, from China can be seen as DRUGs. What kinds of society will treat her citizen as drug?
Word of advise. Stay away from that drug land.