It consists of a network of alleys containing approximately three hundred one-room cabins rented by prostitutes who offer their sexual services from behind a window or glass door, typically illuminated with red lights and blacklight. (總計約300間單房小屋)
Window prostitution is the most visible and typical kind of red-light district sex work in Amsterdam. De Wallen (225), together with the prostitution areas Singelgebied (40) and Ruysdaelkade (40), form the Rosse Buurt (red-light areas) of Amsterdam. 紅燈區包括三大區,最大區是Wallen,加起來大約305間,數量減少中
Of these De Wallen is the oldest and largest area. It is one of the city's major tourist attractions and the government of Amsterdam is examining ways to limit tourist numbers. 17條巷弄街道
The area also has a number of (其他設施)
1. sex shops, 性商品店
2. sex theatres, 戲院
3. peep shows, 小孔秀
4. a sex museum, 性博物館
5. a cannabis museum, 大麻博物館
6. a number of coffee shops that sell cannabis. 大麻咖啡廳 (14間)
7. 歷史教堂 ( De Oude Kerk in Amsterdam’s Red Light District. )
問題來了,因為疫情關係,阿姆斯特丹市政府在2020年強制紅燈區關閉。時間來到2021年,市長已經提案要將紅燈區搬離市中心區,改到特定打造建物特區。The brothel windows of Amsterdam’s red light district will be closed and an “erotic centre” will be set up away from the city centre, councillors have agreed. A proposal from the city’s mayor, Femke Halsema, to shut down a significant number of the windows in the narrow alleys around the docks was backed by a broad group of political parties. The sex workers in the De Wallen red light district will be invited to move to a purpose-built centre elsewhere in Amsterdam, the location of which remains to be determined.