Though, there is no clear definition of a mega event, there is a distinction between a big event and a mega event, which is not only related to the number of participants.


According to a study made by Harry H. Hiller from the University of Calgary, a mega event is first of all of fixed duration and on a short term basis. The event has a high profile, there is a worldwide interest linked to the event and there is a sustainable and measureable economic outcome.


The event does in the end not necessarily have to be financially succesfull, but it will have a certain impact on the economy as a hole e.g. by generating tourism and infrastructural improvements. It also improves employment – both on a short-term and permanent basis.


A mega event also involves political decisionmaking and involves the strategies of a country`s Government. Mostly on a direct basis but the policy can also be indirect. The Government will usually advocate for the economic benefit a mega event would have for the country. According to Harry H. Hiller, a mega event is concieved as an economic initiative.


Mega events does not have to be linked to sport. The town of Hannover in Germany hosted the EXPO exhibition in 2000 for instance. In the sportsworld, a big event can be annual and seasonal, such as Tour de France and Formula One.


A mega event is not an annual event. A mega event has a unique one time nature, which is related to the specific place where it took place, such as the Olympic Games in Athens in 2004. The place does not need to be a city. It can be a country as seen latest in Germany 2006 which hosted the World Cup in soccer.


Besides the Olympic Games and the World Cup in soccer, other mega sports events to be named are the European Cup in soccer and The Rugby World Cup according to the criteria set up by Harry H. Hiller.


But perhaps the most important reason to legitimate the decision to host a mega event is not the impact on a country`s economy, but that a mega event changes the legacy of the place where it is held. (引自


超大型活動(mega event)近年來已經成為些許城市帶動經濟成長的萬靈丹,從奧運、世界博覽會、花卉博覽會到世足賽等,大小都市為了爭取這些花費巨資、動員龐大的活動舉辦權不惜成本,甚至動用非正當手段亦在所不惜。






20108月台中市政府竟然打著促進國際觀光的旗號,仿布魯塞爾辦起國際花毯節 (flower carpet),這個為期超過一星期的活動,來的快、去得慘,活動期間不但每天下雨,導致場地泥濘不堪,會場的盆花在忽冷忽熱的氣候調節下,竟然提早陣亡。更甚者,主辦單位竟然在大雨陪伴下的閉幕典禮,宣稱活動圓滿成功。


這也是本文的目的,要將超大型活動引入大台中人生活中的首要條件應該是,一個懂得反省、非好大喜功的市政府,這個重要價值觀為什麼重要? 因為大型活動絕非一蹴可磯的試金石,大型活動的本質包括商業與產業思維(經濟、人才、策展創意、場地規劃設計等)、公共利益平衡、教育機能、都市機能再造等面向,這些都是需要育成培育的在地元素,單純地仰賴外來和尚唸經,絕非長久之計。



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